Daily Mass Schedule:
Mon - Fri: 6: 45 AM & 9:00 AM Livestreamed Sat.: 8:00 AM

Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 4:00 PM Livestreamed

Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM Livestreamed, 11:30 AM & 5:00 PM

For Holidays & Holy Days go to Happenings Page and click on schedule.

Go Here to see mass live.
Go to YouTube to see mass live or on demand.

Adoration & Confession: Tuesdays from 7:00 - 8:00 PM

Confession: Saturdays 3:00-4:00 PM

Our address is 46 Church Hill Road, Newtown CT, 06470.
We are located off Route 84, Exit 10 between Route 34 and Route 25.

Get Directions

Parish Office hours are Monday through Friday 9 AM - 4 PM

Summer Hours: June 24 - August 31 9 AM - 2 PM

(Please put any offertory envelopes or other materials in the Rectory mailbox)

Rectory Office (203) 426-1014

Parish Fax (203) 426-6222
Outreach Ministry
(203) 426-2572
Religious Ed.
(203) 426-2333
R.E. Fax
(203) 426-8074
St. Rose School (203) 426-5102
(203) 426-3405

Email parishsecretary@strosechurch.com



Fr. Peter Cipriani was born and raised in Suffern New York along with two older brothers. He was always an avid reader and writer and so when it came time to attend college, he attended Fordham University and graduated with a double major in History and English. Though not sure what he wanted to do afterward - in more or less delay tactic mode – he applied and was accepted to the Graduate Studies program in the Land of the Mighty Tiger Paw, Clemson University. There Fr. Peter received a Master’s Degree in English Literature. During this time, he was invited by Clemson to teach a couple of classes. This was a major turning point in his life because he fell in love with teaching and wanted to pursue it as a permanent career. However, Fr. Peter needed to acquire his Teaching Certification and so he returned to his native state of New York to attend St. Thomas Aquinas College.

After achieving certification, Fr. Peter was offered a position at Albertus Magnus High School in New York where he taught both English and Religion. After two years, he was offered a position teaching religion at Notre Dame High School which became another major turning point in his life. After two years at Notre Dame, Fr. Peter entered the Seminary, receiving most of his training at the North American College in Rome. Fr. Peter was ordained in 2004 and received his first assignment which was to return to his Notre Dame family as the Chaplain. Fr. Peter happily served as Chaplain for 10 years. This period of his journey became the most important turning point of his life.

From there he ventured forth into his first assignment as Pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Fairfield, Connecticut. “Though arriving a bit ‘kicking and screaming’, it would not be long before I happily embraced my parish as family and was embraced as family by both Assumption Parish and its school - proving once again that though we may not always see it, God is so good!” says Fr. Peter. “And arriving here at Saint Rose of Lima Parish as the new Pastor is further proof that God is very good. I just hope and pray that I too can be very good for the St. Rose parish community”.

Fr. Peter Cipriani will be welcomed at St. Rose of Lima Parish as the new Pastor beginning February 1st, 2024.