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Fr. Peter shares his inspirational message with us as we prepare for Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season:
Don't let Lent suddenly be upon you. Take some time and orchestrate a good game plan both individually but more so as a couple and/or family. The first step toward winning the World Series is reporting for Spring Training...the "first steps" toward becoming Saints is Lent...our Spiritual Spring Training...
As in athletic training there are any number of drills and exercises to get one in tippest toppest shape...the same goes for our spiritual activities that will greatly increase spiritual emotional psychological, intellectual and yes physical strength. For example: There are any number of resources available in the Church:
March Magnificat
The Word Among Us
Lenten Calendar (my favorite)
Weekly Parish Bulletin
Reflection Prayer Cards
Accessing the Halo App
Visiting Web Sites like Dynamic Catholic: The Best Lent Ever campaign
Lighting a prayer candle for someone each day during Lent and letting them know it
Writing a thinking of you card to someone each day
Calling someone to say "hi" each day...
Attending Daily Mass
Research a charity each day, especially with kids...remember ALMSGIVING is one of the THREE PILLARS OF LENT along with PRAYER AND FASTING
Pray the Rosary each day and with the exception
Sunday reflect on the Sorrowful Mysteries
Choose a different devotion to do each day in addition to the Rosary like praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Lady of Sorrows Chaplet
Pray the Stations of the Cross...different version each Friday or more than just on Friday
Choose a Gospel and read a chapter each day
Read a poem each day
Listen to a particular song and reflect on it
Keep a daily Lent journal based on your daily Lenten journey...for example reflecting on the Mass readings of the day...
A different physical exercise each day
Read a good Spiritual Book
Watch an inspiring Documentary
Think outside the usual Lenten Observance box...the possibilities are endless but so is the spiritual growth in Faith Hope and Love!

Father Peter"