Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization dedicated to promoting and conducting educational, charitable, religious and social welfare works, rendering mutual aid and assistance to sick and needy members and their families.
The Knights of Columbus, St. Virgilius Council 185, in Newtown was founded in 1896 by a group of 33 men.
Virgilius Council 185 proudly provides support through the following primary activities:
- Volunteer service
- Community involvement
- Culture of life
- Church support
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Become a Knight - please contact Earl Spinelli, Knights of Columbus Newtown Council #185
Membership & Retention Officer at (203) 525-1017
Our Knights of Columbus groups listed below:
Fourth Degree Assembly 3230, Knights of Columbus Council 185, Squires Circle 1307
Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of the month
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Knights of Columbus Building
Meetings: First Thursday of the month
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Knights of Columbus Building
The Squires is an organization of young Catholic males that helps to develop character and build leadership. Squires commit to supporting and serving at events that benefit St. Rose Parish and the Newtown Community.
Members: Catholic Males in grades 7 - 12
Meetings: Monthly on the First Wednesday of the month
Time: 7:30PM
Location: Knights Hall
Cost: Annual dues of $10 per year