Daily Mass Schedule:
Mon - Fri: 6: 45 AM & 9:00 AM Livestreamed Sat.: 8:00 AM

Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 4:00 PM Livestreamed

Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM Livestreamed, 11:30 AM & 5:00 PM

For Holidays & Holy Days go to Happenings Page and click on schedule.

Go Here to see mass live.
Go to YouTube to see mass live or on demand.

Adoration & Confession: Tuesdays from 7:00 - 8:00 PM

Confession: Saturdays 3:00-4:00 PM

Our address is 46 Church Hill Road, Newtown CT, 06470.
We are located off Route 84, Exit 10 between Route 34 and Route 25.

Get Directions

Parish Office hours are Monday through Friday 9 AM - 4 PM

Summer Hours: June 24 - August 31 9 AM - 2 PM

(Please put any offertory envelopes or other materials in the Rectory mailbox)

Rectory Office (203) 426-1014

Parish Fax (203) 426-6222
Outreach Ministry
(203) 426-2572
Religious Ed.
(203) 426-2333
R.E. Fax
(203) 426-8074
St. Rose School (203) 426-5102
(203) 426-3405

Email parishsecretary@strosechurch.com

“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” - Matthew 19:14

Our Mission
The Catechetical Program of St. Rose of Lima Parish encourages the journey of faith for all parishioners, especially our youth, through evangelization and instruction to provide knowledge, witness, and the sacraments, which are necessary to be committed followers of Jesus Christ. Both personal and family faith formation are essential to building an individual relationship with Jesus Christ, which will spark a desire to engage fully in the Eucharistic Celebration


The staff of St. Rose of Lima Church welcomes and invites all individuals to participate in our parish community. Parishioners are encouraged to share their God-given gifts and talents to benefit the children and adults of our parish.

As we are called by our heavenly Father to imitate the beautiful teachings of Christ, we follow the Catholic Doctrine and Tradition as handed down from Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago.

Once we accept the invitation to play an active part in God’s plan, together, as a parish community, we participate in the prayer, faith formation, and the sacraments to lead others to build their own relationship with Jesus Christ.

Read this informative overview of our program and key facts: Rel Ed 2024 25 Did You Know