For 48 years, this women’s group has gathered to promote faith and friendship among its members through spiritual and social activities and actively helps to aid in any way with the needs of our parish. All women of the parish are welcome.
Group Rosary: After the 9:00 AM Mass (about 10:00 AM) on the second Tuesday of the month in the Bride's Room. All those who come to pray are welcomed to join group for breakfast.
Book Group Meeting: Meets from September to May on the third Thursday of the month at 10 AM in the Holy Innocents Building. In June there is a group lunch.
Brown Bag Workshop Get Togethers: Meets at 11:30 the first Thursday of the month in Holy Innocents. Members bring their own bag lunch and get together informally to share projects, puzzles, card games, etc.
Special Events and Programs: Scheduled ad hoc and cover a variety of topic interests and traditional Women's Club activities such as a pot luck gathering.
For the calendar of upcoming events and get togethers, please visit the Happenings page and look for the Women's Club feature.